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Tohoku University DRR Actions
Disaster Medical and Public Health Management as DRR/DRM (Prof. Shinichi Egawa, IRIDeS)
Integrated Research to Reduce Risk and Sustain Development - Gordon McBean
Tohoku University: Statement made at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (2013)
Report of International Workshop on Implementing Practical Disaster Risk Reduction - Reid Basher
Panel Discussion - Reid Basher
ASASE2021 Day 2 - Fumihiko Imamura
Disaster Prevention Lessons Against Future Large-Scale Disasters
International Joint Lecture UNS-Tohoku University
Panel Discussion - John Rundle
Khalid Saqr, Tohoku University, November 18, 2022
Pre–event1 (Collaboration with Berlin Science Week) :Learning from disasters for a resilient society